

ABOUT US We are a private non-profit organization that seeks to build a sustainable Santander in the long term, promoting the increase of prosperity of its inhabitants, from services that support business skills and improve the environment for business with an impact on the policy public.

Presentantion of our work team

Presentantion of our work team It's our english proyect. For some adicional informatión you can see our YouTube video.

List of auxiliaries

Some of our auxiliaries For more information about our auxiliaries download here our full list.


Goals Through the integration of the main entities of the Region, we seek: Promote and facilitate the exchange of information on the registration systems of each of the members, their roles and responsibilities, their management models and the technologies used to respond to the changes and trends of registration in the international context. Encourage collaboration, cooperation and discussion among members, especially on issues related to the administration of public records. Identify and overcome obstacles that prevent the efficient and effective management of records, in particular, those that hinder the exchange of information. Celebrate partnerships or cooperation agreements with other international organizations for the management of public records.

Mission and Vision

Mission We are a for-profit organization aimed at promoting regional integration to strengthen the competitiveness of the business sector in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Vision To be the leading institution in Latin America and the Caribbean in the promotion of best practices in the administration of public records and alternative mechanisms.